Custom Distributions

Turing.jl supports the use of distributions from the Distributions.jl package. By extension, it also supports the use of customized distributions by defining them as subtypes of Distribution type of the Distributions.jl package, as well as corresponding functions.

This page shows a workflow of how to define a customized distribution, using our own implementation of a simple Uniform distribution as a simple example.

using Distributions, Turing, Random, Bijectors

Define the Distribution Type

First, define a type of the distribution, as a subtype of a corresponding distribution type in the Distributions.jl package.

struct CustomUniform <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution end

Implement Sampling and Evaluation of the log-pdf

Second, implement the rand and logpdf functions for your new distribution, which will be used to run the model.

# sample in [0, 1]
Distributions.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, d::CustomUniform) = rand(rng)

# p(x) = 1 → log[p(x)] = 0
Distributions.logpdf(d::CustomUniform, x::Real) = zero(x)

Define Helper Functions

In most cases, it may be required to define some helper functions.

Domain Transformation

Certain samplers, such as HMC, require the domain of the priors to be unbounded. Therefore, to use our CustomUniform as a prior in a model we also need to define how to transform samples from [0, 1] to . To do this, we need to define the corresponding Bijector from Bijectors.jl, which is what Turing.jl uses internally to deal with constrained distributions.

To transform from [0, 1] to we can use the Logit bijector:

Bijectors.bijector(d::CustomUniform) = Logit(0.0, 1.0)

In the present example, CustomUniform is a subtype of ContinuousUnivariateDistribution. The procedure for subtypes of ContinuousMultivariateDistribution and ContinuousMatrixDistribution is exactly the same. For example, Wishart defines a distribution over positive-definite matrices and so bijector returns a PDBijector when called with a Wishart distribution as an argument. For discrete distributions, there is no need to define a bijector; the Identity bijector is used by default.

As an alternative to the above, for UnivariateDistribution we could define the minimum and maximum of the distribution:

Distributions.minimum(d::CustomUniform) = 0.0
Distributions.maximum(d::CustomUniform) = 1.0

and Bijectors.jl will return a default Bijector called TruncatedBijector which makes use of minimum and maximum derive the correct transformation.

Internally, Turing basically does the following when it needs to convert a constrained distribution to an unconstrained distribution, e.g. when sampling using HMC:

dist = Gamma(2,3)
b = bijector(dist)
transformed_dist = transformed(dist, b) # results in distribution with transformed support + correction for logpdf
Bijectors.UnivariateTransformed{Distributions.Gamma{Float64}, Base.Fix1{typeof(broadcast), typeof(log)}}(
dist: Distributions.Gamma{Float64}(α=2.0, θ=3.0)
transform: Base.Fix1{typeof(broadcast), typeof(log)}(broadcast, log)

and then we can call rand and logpdf as usual, where

  • rand(transformed_dist) returns a sample in the unconstrained space, and
  • logpdf(transformed_dist, y) returns the log density of the original distribution, but with y living in the unconstrained space.

To read more about Bijectors.jl, check out its documentation.

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