using Turing
@model function gmodel(x)
~ Normal()
m for i in 1:length(x)
~ Normal(m, 0.2)
x[i] end
gmodel (generic function with 2 methods)
This section briefly summarises a few common techniques to ensure good performance when using Turing. We refer to the Julia documentation for general techniques to ensure good performance of Julia programs.
It is generally preferable to use multivariate distributions if possible.
The following example:
using Turing
@model function gmodel(x)
m ~ Normal()
for i in 1:length(x)
x[i] ~ Normal(m, 0.2)
gmodel (generic function with 2 methods)
can be directly expressed more efficiently using a simple transformation:
Automatic differentiation (AD) makes it possible to use modern, efficient gradient-based samplers like NUTS and HMC, and that means a good AD system is incredibly important. Turing currently supports several AD backends, including ForwardDiff (the default), Mooncake, Zygote, and ReverseDiff.
For many common types of models, the default ForwardDiff backend performs great, and there is no need to worry about changing it. However, if you need more speed, you can try different backends via the standard ADTypes interface by passing an AbstractADType
to the sampler with the optional adtype
argument, e.g. NUTS(adtype = AutoZygote())
. See Automatic Differentiation for details. Generally, adtype = AutoForwardDiff()
is likely to be the fastest and most reliable for models with few parameters (say, less than 20 or so), while reverse-mode backends such as AutoZygote()
or AutoReverseDiff()
will perform better for models with many parameters or linear algebra operations. If in doubt, it’s easy to try a few different backends to see how they compare.
Note that Zygote will not perform well if your model contains for
-loops, due to the way reverse-mode AD is implemented in these packages. Zygote also cannot differentiate code that contains mutating operations. If you can’t implement your model without for
-loops or mutation, ReverseDiff
will be a better, more performant option. In general, though, vectorized operations are still likely to perform best.
Avoiding loops can be done using filldist(dist, N)
and arraydist(dists)
. filldist(dist, N)
creates a multivariate distribution that is composed of N
identical and independent copies of the univariate distribution dist
if dist
is univariate, or it creates a matrix-variate distribution composed of N
identical and independent copies of the multivariate distribution dist
if dist
is multivariate. filldist(dist, N, M)
can also be used to create a matrix-variate distribution from a univariate distribution dist
. arraydist(dists)
is similar to filldist
but it takes an array of distributions dists
as input. Writing a custom distribution with a custom adjoint is another option to avoid loops.
For large models, the fastest option is often ReverseDiff with a compiled tape, specified as adtype=AutoReverseDiff(true)
. However, it is important to note that if your model contains any branching code, such as if
statements, the gradients from a compiled tape may be inaccurate, leading to erroneous results. If you use this option for the (considerable) speedup it can provide, make sure to check your code. It’s also a good idea to verify your gradients with another backend.
For efficient gradient-based inference, e.g. using HMC, NUTS or ADVI, it is important to ensure the types in your model can be inferred.
The following example with abstract types
@model function tmodel(x, y)
p, n = size(x)
params = Vector{Real}(undef, n)
for i in 1:n
params[i] ~ truncated(Normal(); lower=0)
a = x * params
return y ~ MvNormal(a, I)
tmodel (generic function with 2 methods)
can be transformed into the following representation with concrete types:
@model function tmodel(x, y, ::Type{T}=Float64) where {T}
p, n = size(x)
params = Vector{T}(undef, n)
for i in 1:n
params[i] ~ truncated(Normal(); lower=0)
a = x * params
return y ~ MvNormal(a, I)
tmodel (generic function with 4 methods)
Alternatively, you could use filldist
in this example:
@model function tmodel(x, y)
params ~ filldist(truncated(Normal(); lower=0), size(x, 2))
a = x * params
return y ~ MvNormal(a, I)
tmodel (generic function with 4 methods)
Note that you can use @code_warntype
to find types in your model definition that the compiler cannot infer. They are marked in red in the Julia REPL.
For example, consider the following simple program:
@model function tmodel(x)
p = Vector{Real}(undef, 1)
p[1] ~ Normal()
p = p .+ 1
return x ~ Normal(p[1])
tmodel (generic function with 6 methods)
We can use
to inspect type inference in the model.