Defining Your Own Flow Layer

In practice, user might want to define their own normalizing flow. As briefly noted in What are normalizing flows?, the key is to define a customized normalizing flow layer, including its transformation and inverse, as well as the log-determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation. Bijectors.jl offers a convenient interface to define a customized bijection. We refer users to the documentation of Bijectors.jl for more details. Flux.jl is also a useful package, offering a convenient interface to define neural networks.

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to define a customized normalizing flow layer – an Affine Coupling Layer (Dinh et al., 2016) – using Bijectors.jl and Flux.jl.

Affine Coupling Flow

Given an input vector $\boldsymbol{x}$, the general coupling transformation splits it into two parts: $\boldsymbol{x}_{I_1}$ and $\boldsymbol{x}_{I\setminus I_1}$. Only one part (e.g., $\boldsymbol{x}_{I_1}$) undergoes a bijective transformation $f$, noted as the coupling law, based on the values of the other part (e.g., $\boldsymbol{x}_{I\setminus I_1}$), which remains unchanged.

\[\begin{array}{llll} c_{I_1}(\cdot ; f, \theta): & \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d & c_{I_1}^{-1}(\cdot ; f, \theta): & \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d \\ & \boldsymbol{x}_{I \backslash I_1} \mapsto \boldsymbol{x}_{I \backslash I_1} & & \boldsymbol{y}_{I \backslash I_1} \mapsto \boldsymbol{y}_{I \backslash I_1} \\ & \boldsymbol{x}_{I_1} \mapsto f\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{I_1} ; \theta\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{I\setminus I_1}\right)\right) & & \boldsymbol{y}_{I_1} \mapsto f^{-1}\left(\boldsymbol{y}_{I_1} ; \theta\left(\boldsymbol{y}_{I\setminus I_1}\right)\right) \end{array}\]

Here $\theta$ can be an arbitrary function, e.g., a neural network. As long as $f(\cdot; \theta(\boldsymbol{x}_{I\setminus I_1}))$ is invertible, $c_{I_1}$ is invertible, and the Jacobian determinant of $c_{I_1}$ is easy to compute:

\[\left|\text{det} \nabla_x c_{I_1}(x)\right| = \left|\text{det} \nabla_{x_{I_1}} f(x_{I_1}; \theta(x_{I\setminus I_1}))\right|\]

The affine coupling layer is a special case of the coupling transformation, where the coupling law $f$ is an affine function:

\[\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{x}_{I_1} &\mapsto \boldsymbol{x}_{I_1} \odot s\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{I\setminus I_1}\right) + t\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{I \setminus I_1}\right) \\ \boldsymbol{x}_{I \backslash I_1} &\mapsto \boldsymbol{x}_{I \backslash I_1} \end{aligned}\]

Here, $s$ and $t$ are arbitrary functions (often neural networks) called the "scaling" and "translation" functions, respectively. They produce vectors of the same dimension as $\boldsymbol{x}_{I_1}$.

Implementing Affine Coupling Layer

We start by defining a simple 3-layer multi-layer perceptron (MLP) using Flux.jl, which will be used to define the scaling $s$ and translation functions $t$ in the affine coupling layer.

using Flux

function MLP_3layer(input_dim::Int, hdims::Int, output_dim::Int; activation=Flux.leakyrelu)
    return Chain(
        Flux.Dense(input_dim, hdims, activation),
        Flux.Dense(hdims, hdims, activation),
        Flux.Dense(hdims, output_dim),
MLP_3layer (generic function with 1 method)

Construct the Object

Following the user interface of Bijectors.jl, we define a struct AffineCoupling as a subtype of Bijectors.Bijector. The functions parition , combine are used to partition and recombine a vector into 3 disjoint subvectors. And PartitionMask is used to store this partition rule. These three functions are all defined in Bijectors.jl; see the documentaion for more details.

using Functors
using Bijectors
using Bijectors: partition, combine, PartitionMask

struct AffineCoupling <: Bijectors.Bijector

# to apply functions to the parameters that are contained in AffineCoupling.s and AffineCoupling.t,
# and to re-build the struct from the parameters, we use the functor interface of `Functors.jl`
# see
@functor AffineCoupling (s, t)

function AffineCoupling(
    dim::Int,  # dimension of input
    hdims::Int, # dimension of hidden units for s and t
    mask_idx::AbstractVector, # index of dimension that one wants to apply transformations on
    cdims = length(mask_idx) # dimension of parts used to construct coupling law
    s = MLP_3layer(cdims, hdims, cdims)
    t = MLP_3layer(cdims, hdims, cdims)
    mask = PartitionMask(dim, mask_idx)
    return AffineCoupling(dim, mask, s, t)

By default, we define $s$ and $t$ using the MLP_3layer function, which is a 3-layer MLP with leaky ReLU activation function.

Implement the Forward and Inverse Transformations

function Bijectors.transform(af::AffineCoupling, x::AbstractVector)
    # partition vector using 'af.mask::PartitionMask`
    x₁, x₂, x₃ = partition(af.mask, x)
    y₁ = x₁ .* af.s(x₂) .+ af.t(x₂)
    return combine(af.mask, y₁, x₂, x₃)

function Bijectors.transform(iaf::Inverse{<:AffineCoupling}, y::AbstractVector)
    af = iaf.orig
    # partition vector using `af.mask::PartitionMask`
    y_1, y_2, y_3 = partition(af.mask, y)
    # inverse transformation
    x_1 = (y_1 .- af.t(y_2)) ./ af.s(y_2)
    return combine(af.mask, x_1, y_2, y_3)

Implement the Log-determinant of the Jacobian

Notice that here we wrap the transformation and the log-determinant of the Jacobian into a single function, with_logabsdet_jacobian.

function Bijectors.with_logabsdet_jacobian(af::AffineCoupling, x::AbstractVector)
    x_1, x_2, x_3 = Bijectors.partition(af.mask, x)
    y_1 = af.s(x_2) .* x_1 .+ af.t(x_2)
    logjac = sum(log ∘ abs, af.s(x_2))
    return combine(af.mask, y_1, x_2, x_3), logjac

function Bijectors.with_logabsdet_jacobian(
    iaf::Inverse{<:AffineCoupling}, y::AbstractVector
    af = iaf.orig
    # partition vector using `af.mask::PartitionMask`
    y_1, y_2, y_3 = partition(af.mask, y)
    # inverse transformation
    x_1 = (y_1 .- af.t(y_2)) ./ af.s(y_2)
    logjac = -sum(log ∘ abs, af.s(y_2))
    return combine(af.mask, x_1, y_2, y_3), logjac

Construct Normalizing Flow

Now with all the above implementations, we are ready to use the AffineCoupling layer for normalizing flow by applying it to a base distribution $q_0$.

using Random, Distributions, LinearAlgebra
dim = 4
hdims = 10
Ls = [
    AffineCoupling(dim, hdims, 1:2),
    AffineCoupling(dim, hdims, 3:4),
    AffineCoupling(dim, hdims, 1:2),
    AffineCoupling(dim, hdims, 3:4),
ts = reduce(∘, Ls)
q₀ = MvNormal(zeros(Float32, dim), I)
flow = Bijectors.transformed(q₀, ts)
Bijectors.MultivariateTransformed{Distributions.MvNormal{Float32, PDMats.ScalMat{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, ComposedFunction{ComposedFunction{ComposedFunction{Main.AffineCoupling, Main.AffineCoupling}, Main.AffineCoupling}, Main.AffineCoupling}}(
dist: Distributions.MvNormal{Float32, PDMats.ScalMat{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}(
dim: 4
μ: Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Σ: Float32[1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0]

transform: Main.AffineCoupling(4, Bijectors.PartitionMask{Bool, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64}}(sparse([1, 2], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse([3, 4], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse(Int64[], Int64[], Bool[], 4, 0)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2))) ∘ Main.AffineCoupling(4, Bijectors.PartitionMask{Bool, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64}}(sparse([3, 4], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse([1, 2], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse(Int64[], Int64[], Bool[], 4, 0)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2))) ∘ Main.AffineCoupling(4, Bijectors.PartitionMask{Bool, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64}}(sparse([1, 2], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse([3, 4], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse(Int64[], Int64[], Bool[], 4, 0)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2))) ∘ Main.AffineCoupling(4, Bijectors.PartitionMask{Bool, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64}}(sparse([3, 4], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse([1, 2], [1, 2], Bool[1, 1], 4, 2), sparse(Int64[], Int64[], Bool[], 4, 0)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2)), Chain(Dense(2 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 10, leakyrelu), Dense(10 => 2)))

We can now sample from the flow:

x = rand(flow, 10)
4×10 Matrix{Float32}:
 -0.000146811  -0.00270119  -0.00010343   …  -0.00025657   -0.00844876
  0.000386815  -0.00374337  -0.000128576     -0.000123452  -0.0103281
  0.00120773   -0.0172544   -0.000469871     -0.00159245   -0.0393563
  0.0117999     0.00850634  -0.000130611      0.00693248   -0.00377586

And evaluate the density of the flow:

logpdf(flow, x[:,1])


Dinh, L., Sohl-Dickstein, J. and Bengio, S., 2016. Density estimation using real nvp. arXiv:1605.08803.