A Julian implementation of single- and multi-ellipsoidal nested sampling algorithms using the AbstractMCMC interface.
This package was heavily influenced by nestle
, dynesty
, and NestedSampling.jl
To use the nested samplers first install this library
julia> ]add NestedSamplers
The samplers are built using the AbstractMCMC interface. To use it, we need to create a NestedModel
using Random
using AbstractMCMC
[ Info: progress logging is disabled globally
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using NestedSamplers
using StatsFuns: logaddexp
# Gaussian mixture model
σ = 0.1
μ1 = ones(2)
μ2 = -ones(2)
inv_σ = diagm(0 => fill(1 / σ^2, 2))
function logl(x)
dx1 = x .- μ1
dx2 = x .- μ2
f1 = -dx1' * (inv_σ * dx1) / 2
f2 = -dx2' * (inv_σ * dx2) / 2
return logaddexp(f1, f2)
priors = [
Uniform(-5, 5),
Uniform(-5, 5)
# or equivalently
prior_transform(X) = 10 .* X .- 5
# create the model
# or model = NestedModel(logl, prior_transform)
model = NestedModel(logl, priors);
now, we set up our sampling using StatsBase.
Important: the state of the sampler is returned in addition to the chain by sample
using StatsBase: sample, Weights
# create our sampler
# 2 parameters, 1000 active points, multi-ellipsoid. See docstring
spl = Nested(2, 1000)
# by default, uses dlogz for convergence. Set the keyword args here
# currently Chains and Array are support chain_types
chain, state = sample(model, spl; dlogz=0.2, param_names=["x", "y"])
# optionally resample the chain using the weights
chain_res = sample(chain, Weights(vec(chain["weights"])), length(chain));
Chains MCMC chain (9360×3×1 Array{Float64, 3}):
Iterations = 1:9360
Number of chains = 1
Samples per chain = 9360
parameters = y, x
internals = weights
Summary Statistics
parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess rhat
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
x 0.0946 1.0043 0.0104 0.0088 8657.6848 1.0002
y 0.0935 1.0010 0.0103 0.0089 8680.0644 1.0002
parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
x -1.1679 -0.9890 0.8681 1.0145 1.1781
y -1.1534 -0.9872 0.8573 1.0149 1.1724
let's take a look at the resampled posteriors
using StatsPlots
# analytical posterior maxima
vline!([-1, 1], c=:black, ls=:dash, subplot=1)
vline!([-1, 1], c=:black, ls=:dash, subplot=2)
and compare our estimate of the Bayesian (log-)evidence to the analytical value
analytic_logz = log(4π * σ^2 / 100)
# within 2-sigma
@assert isapprox(analytic_logz, state.logz, atol=2state.logzerr)
Primary Author: Miles Lucas (@mileslucas)
Contributions are always welcome! Take a look at the issues for ideas of open problems! To discuss ideas or plan contributions, open a discussion.