
MCMCChains implements many functions for plotting via StatsPlots.jl.

Simple example

The following simple example illustrates how to use Chain to visually summarize a MCMC simulation:

using MCMCChains
using StatsPlots

# Define the experiment
n_iter = 100
n_name = 3
n_chain = 2

# experiment results
val = randn(n_iter, n_name, n_chain) .+ [1, 2, 3]'
val = hcat(val, rand(1:2, n_iter, 1, n_chain))

# construct a Chains object
chn = Chains(val, [:A, :B, :C, :D])

# visualize the MCMC simulation results
plot(chn; size=(840, 600))

Default plot for Chains

plot(chn, colordim = :parameter; size=(840, 400))
Example block output

Note that the plot function takes the additional arguments described in the Plots.jl package.

Mixed density

plot(chn, seriestype = :mixeddensity)
Example block output

Or, for all seriestypes, use the alternative shorthand syntax:

Example block output


plot(chn, seriestype = :traceplot)
Example block output
Example block output

Running average

Example block output


Example block output


Example block output


Example block output


Example block output

For plotting multiple parameters, ridgeline, forest and caterpillar plots can be useful.


ridgelineplot(chn, [:C, :B, :A])
Example block output


forestplot(chn, [:C, :B, :A], hpd_val = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25])
Example block output


forestplot(chn, chn.name_map[:parameters], hpd_val = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25], ordered = true)
Example block output


ridgelineplot(chains::Chains[, params::Vector{Symbol}]; kwargs...)

Generate a ridgeline plot for the samples of the parameters params in chains.

By default, all parameters are plotted.

Keyword arguments

The following options are available:

  • fill_q (default: false) and fill_hpd (default: true): Fill the area below the curve in the quantiles interval (fill_q = true) or the highest posterior density (HPD) interval (fill_hpd = true). If both fill_q = false and fill_hpd = false, then the whole area below the curve is filled. If no fill color is desired, it should be specified with series attributes. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • show_mean (default: true) and show_median (default: true): Plot a vertical line of the mean (show_mean = true) or median (show_median = true) of the posterior density estimate. If both options are set to true, both lines are plotted.

  • show_qi (default: false) and show_hpdi (default: true): Plot a quantile interval (show_qi = true) or the largest HPD interval (show_hpdi = true) at the bottom of each density plot. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • q (default: [0.1, 0.9]): The two quantiles used for plotting if fill_q = true or show_qi = true.

  • hpd_val (default: [0.05, 0.2]): The complementary probability mass(es) of the highest posterior density intervals that are plotted if fill_hpd = true or show_hpdi = true.


If a single parameter is provided, the generated plot is a density plot with all the elements described above.

ridgelineplot(chains::Chains[, params::Vector{Symbol}]; kwargs...)

Generate a ridgeline plot for the samples of the parameters params in chains.

By default, all parameters are plotted.

Keyword arguments

The following options are available:

  • fill_q (default: false) and fill_hpd (default: true): Fill the area below the curve in the quantiles interval (fill_q = true) or the highest posterior density (HPD) interval (fill_hpd = true). If both fill_q = false and fill_hpd = false, then the whole area below the curve is filled. If no fill color is desired, it should be specified with series attributes. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • show_mean (default: true) and show_median (default: true): Plot a vertical line of the mean (show_mean = true) or median (show_median = true) of the posterior density estimate. If both options are set to true, both lines are plotted.

  • show_qi (default: false) and show_hpdi (default: true): Plot a quantile interval (show_qi = true) or the largest HPD interval (show_hpdi = true) at the bottom of each density plot. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • q (default: [0.1, 0.9]): The two quantiles used for plotting if fill_q = true or show_qi = true.

  • hpd_val (default: [0.05, 0.2]): The complementary probability mass(es) of the highest posterior density intervals that are plotted if fill_hpd = true or show_hpdi = true.


If a single parameter is provided, the generated plot is a density plot with all the elements described above.

ridgelineplot(chains::Chains[, params::Vector{Symbol}]; kwargs...)

Generate a ridgeline plot for the samples of the parameters params in chains.

By default, all parameters are plotted.

Keyword arguments

The following options are available:

  • fill_q (default: false) and fill_hpd (default: true): Fill the area below the curve in the quantiles interval (fill_q = true) or the highest posterior density (HPD) interval (fill_hpd = true). If both fill_q = false and fill_hpd = false, then the whole area below the curve is filled. If no fill color is desired, it should be specified with series attributes. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • show_mean (default: true) and show_median (default: true): Plot a vertical line of the mean (show_mean = true) or median (show_median = true) of the posterior density estimate. If both options are set to true, both lines are plotted.

  • show_qi (default: false) and show_hpdi (default: true): Plot a quantile interval (show_qi = true) or the largest HPD interval (show_hpdi = true) at the bottom of each density plot. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • q (default: [0.1, 0.9]): The two quantiles used for plotting if fill_q = true or show_qi = true.

  • hpd_val (default: [0.05, 0.2]): The complementary probability mass(es) of the highest posterior density intervals that are plotted if fill_hpd = true or show_hpdi = true.


If a single parameter is provided, the generated plot is a density plot with all the elements described above.

forestplot(chains::Chains[, params::Vector{Symbol}]; kwargs...)

Generate a forest or caterpillar plot for the samples of the parameters params in chains.

By default, all parameters are plotted.

Keyword arguments

  • ordered (default: false): If ordered = false, a forest plot is generated. If ordered = true, a caterpillar plot is generated.

  • fill_q (default: false) and fill_hpd (default: true): Fill the area below the curve in the quantiles interval (fill_q = true) or the highest posterior density (HPD) interval (fill_hpd = true). If both fill_q = false and fill_hpd = false, then the whole area below the curve is filled. If no fill color is desired, it should be specified with series attributes. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • show_mean (default: true) and show_median (default: true): Plot a vertical line of the mean (show_mean = true) or median (show_median = true) of the posterior density estimate. If both options are set to true, both lines are plotted.

  • show_qi (default: false) and show_hpdi (default: true): Plot a quantile interval (show_qi = true) or the largest HPD interval (show_hpdi = true) at the bottom of each density plot. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • q (default: [0.1, 0.9]): The two quantiles used for plotting if fill_q = true or show_qi = true.

  • hpd_val (default: [0.05, 0.2]): The complementary probability mass(es) of the highest posterior density intervals that are plotted if fill_hpd = true or show_hpdi = true.

forestplot(chains::Chains[, params::Vector{Symbol}]; kwargs...)

Generate a forest or caterpillar plot for the samples of the parameters params in chains.

By default, all parameters are plotted.

Keyword arguments

  • ordered (default: false): If ordered = false, a forest plot is generated. If ordered = true, a caterpillar plot is generated.

  • fill_q (default: false) and fill_hpd (default: true): Fill the area below the curve in the quantiles interval (fill_q = true) or the highest posterior density (HPD) interval (fill_hpd = true). If both fill_q = false and fill_hpd = false, then the whole area below the curve is filled. If no fill color is desired, it should be specified with series attributes. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • show_mean (default: true) and show_median (default: true): Plot a vertical line of the mean (show_mean = true) or median (show_median = true) of the posterior density estimate. If both options are set to true, both lines are plotted.

  • show_qi (default: false) and show_hpdi (default: true): Plot a quantile interval (show_qi = true) or the largest HPD interval (show_hpdi = true) at the bottom of each density plot. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • q (default: [0.1, 0.9]): The two quantiles used for plotting if fill_q = true or show_qi = true.

  • hpd_val (default: [0.05, 0.2]): The complementary probability mass(es) of the highest posterior density intervals that are plotted if fill_hpd = true or show_hpdi = true.

forestplot(chains::Chains[, params::Vector{Symbol}]; kwargs...)

Generate a forest or caterpillar plot for the samples of the parameters params in chains.

By default, all parameters are plotted.

Keyword arguments

  • ordered (default: false): If ordered = false, a forest plot is generated. If ordered = true, a caterpillar plot is generated.

  • fill_q (default: false) and fill_hpd (default: true): Fill the area below the curve in the quantiles interval (fill_q = true) or the highest posterior density (HPD) interval (fill_hpd = true). If both fill_q = false and fill_hpd = false, then the whole area below the curve is filled. If no fill color is desired, it should be specified with series attributes. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • show_mean (default: true) and show_median (default: true): Plot a vertical line of the mean (show_mean = true) or median (show_median = true) of the posterior density estimate. If both options are set to true, both lines are plotted.

  • show_qi (default: false) and show_hpdi (default: true): Plot a quantile interval (show_qi = true) or the largest HPD interval (show_hpdi = true) at the bottom of each density plot. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • q (default: [0.1, 0.9]): The two quantiles used for plotting if fill_q = true or show_qi = true.

  • hpd_val (default: [0.05, 0.2]): The complementary probability mass(es) of the highest posterior density intervals that are plotted if fill_hpd = true or show_hpdi = true.
